A racing Guideboat: Chris Dyer had been thinking about building an Adirondack Guideboat for years. He had read everything he could get his hands on about building them. He took delivery of his kit in February 2012, built his Guideboat and raced in the Adirondack 90-Mile Canoe Classic in September 2012. That is some feat since Chris hadn’t ever built a boat before!
Rowtrolling with the Rangeley 17: Dave Schmidt launched his Rangeley 17 “Row Troller” in August 2011. He did a fantastic job on it! He uses it to row troll for muskies in northern Wisconsin lakes. He also attended the Bob Ellis Classic Row Trolling Tournament and his Rangeley was voted ‘nicest boat’.

Paul Johnson’s Merganser Hybrid with west coast graphics painted by his wife.

Dick Gamble’s Sea Spirit Hybrid.
Last Saturday we had the big launching. We put the boats into the Connecticut River and paddled them up and down. It was wonderful…

Tad’s Seeker was great for him, very stable, and he was just zipping all over in it. He did have quite a time turning it, but for me the exchange of stability is more than worth it. His kayak was like a duck on the water, bobbing nicely over the waves that came from passing boats. Thanks so much for classes (a year ago) and support throughout!! It was a wonderful and fun project to do them both……….Here’s a couple pictures of the two boats. My son picked the feather pattern for my boat, and then when we started his, he wanted the same thing in his.
Geoff Meissner
Bob Larkin built these two beautiful Explorer Hybrids. Both were built stapleless and each shows unique design characteristics. Bob also made paddles using the plans information in Nick Shade’s book and made the unique J-cradles to safely transport these works of art.
Hi Michael!
The Explorer Hybrid left the shop this last weekend. It performs great! Thank You, and your staff, for the support, materials, and expert advice! I highly reccomend your company whenever possible. The components that you provided were top notch! Take a look at
Looking forward to seeing you at the Rendezvous…ordered my pass today!
Thanks again!
Yes I finally finished the kayak. I finished in August just before vacation. I would have finished in the spring but between work, a kidney stone and a bad back I was much delayed.
This boat is so comfortable, stable, responsive and FAST I can’t believe it.
Thanks for all you help, accessories and expertise.
Chuck Floyd
Thought you might enjoy seeing the finished product. The pictures are from Prince William Sound in Alaska on the boat’s maiden voyage. It paddled real well although I am thinking of adding a skeg for following seas. Thanks again for all of your advice/support. I think I may have recruited a few new customers.
Bill Lange