18’5″ Liz Pulling/Sculling Boat
Kit Specifications

Length (LWL) 16.91'
Beam (BOA) 36"
Beam (BWL) 32.25"
Weight 85 lbs.
Displacement (Capacity) 550 lbs
Draft (at Capacity) 6.10"
Center Depth 11.75"
Depth at Bow 18.36"
The Liz is an elegant pulling boat designed by Ken Bassett of Onion River Boatworks. Coupled with a Piantedosi Row Wing, this design will provide you with all the exercise you want while including a great deal of stability, much more than a typical rowing shell. Under Ken’s direction, we lofted his lapstrake plans to a marine CAD program and developed cross sections every 12″ for strip building. The great benefit of the strip built version is that we can shed about 30 lbs of weight compared to lapstrake. Note that you can carry a passenger in this pulling boat, something you wouldn’t be able to do in a rowing shell.
Please note: The row-wing is additional and not included in the Liz kit. Bench seats included in the kit.
The Piantedosi Row Wing Sliding Seat Base Unit Package, Mahogany Seat/Foot Pad Upgrade, Leveling Leg/Plate Kit & Oars (shown below) are available at Newfound Woodworks.
About Our Kits
All of our kits are created as we get orders. Please email us ([email protected]) with your name, address, telephone number, and shipping address (if different) and we will email a quote that includes packaging and shipping costs. A “kit” can include everything or just certain items. If you just want strips, email us with the pertinent name and address, the design you are building and we will email a quote. We mill all of our strips here at our facility in New Hampshire to the highest standards after air drying the cedar. If you pick up at our shop, of course there is no shipping charge. We will shrink wrap your materials so that they are impervious to the weather. A kit can be picked up with a vehicle that you would normally use to transport your canoe or kayak.

The Rowboat Pre-Kit Includes:
“Woodstrip Rowing Craft” by Susan Van Leuven, “Cedar Strip Boat Building” DVD, “Applying Fiberglass and Epoxy ” DVD, and Strip Building Notes. This informational package is intended to give you a variety of instructional and reference materials that you will need to build a boat and is an especially good primer if you have never built with cedar strips and fiberglass. You can get the Pre-Kit first and then decide on a specific rowboat design.
The Liz Kit Includes:
Plans, Construction Notes, a CD of construction pictures, Coved and Beaded 6′ to 10′ Northern White Cedar Strips, About 30% Full Length Western Red Cedar Strips, Solid, pre-milled Mahogany Outwales, Scuppered Mahogany Inwales, Spanish Cedar Thwarts and Stern fan seat parts, Seat Hardware, Ash/Spanish cedar Stem Laminations, Deck Material with pre-formed coaming, oar blocks, Spanish Cedar transom materials, Fiberglass, Slow Cure, Low Viscosity, Non-Blushing Epoxy, Epoxy Application Supplies, and Varnish. CNC cut mold Forms for rowboats are NOW INCLUDED IN THE KIT PRICES. All mold forms now include Clamping Grooves for Stapleless Construction.
Please note: The row-wing is additional and not included in the Liz kit. Bench seats included in the kit.
If you have built a strip boat before and are confident in your skills, you could build the complete boat from the kit package without purchasing the Pre-Kit.
E-mail us with your complete address and the design you are interested in and we will quote shipping and packaging costs.
If you haven’t built a stripper before and aren’t sure about the process, you may want to get a Pre-Kit first. This includes our “Cedar Strip Building” DVD, “Applying Epoxy and Fiberglass” DVD, and Susan Van Leuven’s book, “Wood Strip Rowing Craft“.
Materials & Tools
Posted in
Designs: Strip Rowing Boats
Kits: Strip Rowing Boat Kits