Becky Nourse
Hi Joe and Michael –
I just returned from the maiden voyage of my Return. Six days in Unakwik Inlet paddling among the icebergs from Meares Glacier, in Prince William Sound, Alaska. After two years (348 hours) and absolutely no woodworking or boatbuilding experience, I finished the kayak at last. Imagine my surprise and pleasure when it not only floated, but floated right side up and performed beautifully in both glassy calm and stormy windy Alaskan conditions!!! I have enclosed a couple of pictures – they may help explain why I have christened this kayak “Ice Dancer” to commemorate its first trip.
Joe, this boat was 90% constructed at my home about 3 miles from Redfish Lake in Idaho, but I moved back to Alaska 18 months ago and had to finish building it here in Cordova. However, I came north with a bottle of pure Redfish Lake water, and that is what was poured over the bow when it first hit the water. Somehow seemed appropriate.
Thanks for a beautiful boat!! I love it!
Best regards –
Becky Nourse
Cordova, Alaska